Naruto Vol. 4 : Hero's Bridge

Naruto Vol. 4 : Hero's Bridge
Naruto is a ninja-in-training with a need for attention, a knack for mischief and, sealed within him, a strange, formidable power. His antics amuse his instructor Kakashi and irritate his teammates

"Naruto vol. 4" continues the fierce battle begun in vol. 3, against the ninja-hunting Demon Zabuza and his deadly assistant Haku. The stage is set with Sasuke slain, Kakashi literally mystified and Sakura learning her own limitations. As everyone knows, when things look darkest for a band of is time for a little payback.

Payback is what you get in vol. 4, but not exactly in the way expected. Naruto, full of rage over his friends death, unleashes the power of the Nine-tailed Fox demon. Kakashi shows that he is more than the Sharingan Eye, using an innovative attack to overcome the loss of vision. Sasuke lies on the ground dead, and there is lots of weeping.

The real story, however, is the love and loyalty between Zabuza and Haku. Compared to this, the trials of the four heroes are trivial. Haku sees himself as a weapon to be wielded by Zabuza, and the true test of his loyalty comes when Zabuza's feelings are made clear. Its some powerful, emotional stuff.

Naruto Vol. 4 : Hero's Bridge